I am once again considering keeping a running blog of my accounts with life, in particular, the journey towards self-discipline. This just-past full moon I asked for self-discipline. I'm in such a good place, it would be a real shame not to use this wonderful opportunity to my best advantage, which is to get myself established well with my household. I can't truly grow as a person if I don't look after my own backyard. I also can't teach my children properly if I go by "do as I ask not as I do". I have to be a good example. It's my #1 tool with the kids.
So. I have a list of things that I have to work on:
* finish unpacking all the boxes, whittle down stuff, properly store rest
* finish bleaching my teeth with a home kit I go a long time ago
* establish a chore schedule, for both Alex and myself, inside and outside
* establish better meal routines
* plan ahead a few Family Fridays, get Alex interested
* work on actually finishing things that I start =)
* get caught up on paperwork
* go talk to Legal Aid; get custody suit started
* check out Toronto options for finishing my degree
* ... to be continued ...
It's so easy to plan, but so hard to follow through. I lack focus and energy. I thought I had plenty of motivation.. I think I do... but I can't get a fire lit under my ass, and I want to. I *need* to.
So. I have a plan:
If I can't go to the sea, I will bring the sea to me. As such, I will:
* buy seaweed and make Roland's recipe to drink every day
* soak feet in salt water every night
* find the closest pool and go routinely with kids
* find closest salt-water pool and/or hot-tub
Even if I just do the first two items to start with, I hope to feel more motivated to get out and do the other items, plus more like get around Toronto as I deeply long to.
Let's see what happens.
swimming is a life saver for me when i'm stressed. i miss it
Why can't you swim now? I love to swim, especially in the sea, in salt water.
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